Pixelworks Web Design and Graphic Design Agency


JTB Consulting Website

JTB Consulting Website
Project insights.
Learn about the various aspects of how we created and delivered this project.

We provide a comprehensive range of creative services at affordable rates. Our work is created with passion and attention to detail.

ClientJTB Consulting
ProjectJTB Consulting Website

JTB Consulting is a leading provider of specialist, unique and affordable Business Consulting and Business Plan Solutions to companies based in South Africa. They have achieved this through an established local presence, comprehensive knowledge of both the Global and South African economy, market and industry as well as the provision of a world-class service.

The website for this project was a replacement site for an old HTML based design. The new site needed to portray a professional image, and present information in a logical and well implemented layout. Much emphasis was applied to SEO and design consistency.

The website features a blog, advanced SEO, parallax image and page sections, custom designed forms with conditional logic, and various other custom functionality according to client requirements.

This website has an ultra-responsive design which scales content according to the screen size of the device being used to view it. As with all of our websites, it also features cross-browser compatibility with most modern web browsers.

Content Management
Custom Scripts
Design and Layout
Brand Identity
Testing and Troubleshooting
Custom Backdrop Art
CSS3 Animation
Hire us for your project.
We are a premium graphic and web design agency offering professional, value for money services.

We can help you realise your project to it’s potential no matter how big or small, and with no headaches. We’ll take care of your project needs independently, or through step-by-step interaction with you. When you work with us, it’s all about you.